Cocaine: It belongs to a class of drugs known as stimulants, which tend to give a temporary illusion of limitless power and energy that leave the user feeling depressed, edgy, and craving more. Alcohol, being a depressant, has effects that are opposite those of stimulant drugs (e.g., slowed reaction time, reduced inhibitions, increased sleepiness). There are many reasons people may mix these drugs together, but it can be very dangerous to do so. For example, people often mix these substances together because one will, allegedly, reduce negative symptoms from the other. Alcohol also enhances the euphoric effects of many substances, since it acts indirectly on GABA receptors, thereby increasing the release of some neurotransmitters. Mixing cocaine with alcohol can lead to impulsive and violent behavior, paranoia, seizures, and unclear thinking. These negative side effects, among others, are all good reasons to steer clear of putting yourself in the driver’s seat at any given point in time.